the face on the Mars is looking nagry, as th WT is not available for him
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"life on mars" mmm i wonder what jws would say on the matter,maybe adam and eve visited mars( just joking).anyway what do you think, will they find life on mars.
the face on the Mars is looking nagry, as th WT is not available for him
E?l?B??QOKm?????T?~s~bhQmFlBÐl?°g}BSTKmB |
@?m`r`??\A?l B???l??a}XR~o???mABm`r`?R?ZH?ln`l ?\AB @AoCLO?A??A^??l???^I? ?C??~jZml I{?^??^t?^??e? ^B @A? ^A^B?R?ZHll^??l?\?^l I |
i chose to remain cloaked as to my true identity for now.
because the watchtower trolls who lurk here need to eat fresh meat.
i will not be a quick and easy disfellowship assignment for the local boys.
robin, where are the rich ones you take the money from ? :-) Is that your story part II?
Edited by - klaus vollmer on 3 August 2002 8:47:1
i chose to remain cloaked as to my true identity for now.
because the watchtower trolls who lurk here need to eat fresh meat.
i will not be a quick and easy disfellowship assignment for the local boys.
Edited by - klaus vollmer on 3 August 2002 8:45:34
i chose to remain cloaked as to my true identity for now.
because the watchtower trolls who lurk here need to eat fresh meat.
i will not be a quick and easy disfellowship assignment for the local boys.
Edited by - klaus vollmer on 3 August 2002 8:46:12
remember ray franz?
he got df'd why?
because he had a meal with a 'da'd' individual!
the supreme class of self anointed makes laws and rules regarding the daily life.
But they dont live under those regulars as they claim to be heavenly guided.
What must that be for a god who on the one hand hates and destructes the UN organisation and on the other hand his earthly tools make policy with the upper class of politicans.
I remember even that Rutherford went that way. he tried to associate with Nazi-Germany, wrote a letter to the chancellor Hitler and added a "declaration" which was in very harmony with the targets of this evil government.
Later Brookly declared that the German branch officer Balzereit had falsified Rutherfords letter. So he was excommunicated and never re-installed. in 1998 the WTS declared that Balzereit was innocent.
But his whole generation was betrayed in his case and only spake worse bout him.
Do you think that in life time they will change their attidtudes to Bill Barbara and the others?
I see that those in the ivory towers of brooklyn only do what is opportune at the moment. They say always: Wash me, but dont make me wet. The only one LORD will sharpen his sword of revanche when he starts his judicial action against those on the thrown who does not belong to them.
You will surely find god in the forests or on the mountains but not in the regulars of men who deny any human capability.
8-1-02, addition to 7-31-02 press release .
joe anderson-disfellowshipped!
jehovahs witness child advocate.
thats the way reality is, when owned by people in ivory towers.
they would even DF the LORD, because he did not support the mosaic law when he helped the woman with adultery to get free from being stoned. If anyone among you is without fail....
Their claim to be gods channel is, seen under the experience of a 3rd generation JW, the utterance of a mockingbird.
Brothers, dont worry. To fall is no mistake, but it would be a mistake to stop fighting. I am sure that a great crowd would support the 3 dissidents if they would know what had happend.
The annointed Gerrit Loesch should take his chance to solve this pedo knot if he doesnt want to shoot himself into the knee
draffenville congregation of jehovahs witnesses.
judicial committee elders of:.
murray congregation of jehovahs witnesses.
William Bowen does the right thing: He addresses his letter to the target groups: to the elders of his congregation (those guys who would ever do what the ivory tower demands).
His letter is read by those agents within the ivory towers and their rulers.
and the public is receiving his clear answer.
so he acts like Paul who made Peter blaming because he went on wiith heathen and with jews.
you know that story.
so why you a Bill bown not inform the whole world about that ugly WT acting that is everything but not christian.
Those gods on the ivory tower throwns one day will have no chair under the butt, only a bucket I guess.
Bill hold on, you are no evildoer you focus the right thing.
now that had been officially disfellowshipped i wonder whether or not dateline will air a follow up story....that would most certainly hurt... .
i guess that new release video on disfellowshipped being a good things, had to do with preparing the friends on what was about to go down.
that's suck.... .
disfellowshipping William Bowen and Barbara/Joe Anderson is the clear sign that WTBS has lost the soil under the ground. They make a tempest in a teapot they think but the have ordered a thunderstorm.
All the stuff is watched by the media, by critical jws and by an increasing number of elders who find mroe and more the situation that there is something wrong in the state of Danmark on Brooklyn Heights.
Remember that all absolute systems fell rather fast. And WTBS may demand that they are under divine leading.
But their god seems not to be the one they mean. I cant imagine that the souvereign of the universe would deal with men who change their doctrines like you and me change the underwear everyday.
I have a great respect befor the divine ruler and his messiah. but I reject each and everykind of teachings that make out of them some puppets for a show.
The revange from the supreme LORD will be harder than the tough disfellowshipping of people who have a brave heart in their chest and cannot deny that victims have human rights to live in secure circumstances. where is the "spiritual paradise"?
Is it vain or only vision of a righteous future. The nowadays situation must be compared with Sodom and Gomorrah, where the righteous one is screaming because of the ugly things that happen.
I lite a triplescent candle for those human beings that make the difference to the big crowd that knwos nothing and eats everything coming from Brookly heights. At least you'll reap what you sew.
this whole story is something that teaches us to fear those mad dogs in the ivory towers.
on one hand they keep silence on criminals so that they could do their dirty things among their christian brothers on the other hand they deny that someone has the right to have a beard and be ms or elder.
its hokus pokus on the locus. I sometomes believe thats kind of marketing to test how mad people can be in paying obiedience to those maximo leaders of a always changing watchtower.
My councel to those men in the ivory towers: look into the mirror and recognize that you are ingnoring the christina device to pay Caesar's thingsto Caesar, and gods things to god.
you direct disfellowshipping to your puppets on a string, called elders of the congregation.
they are like robotniks for your - leaving their brain at home and their conscience - they have lost it already when they were baptized.
the jw conscience is located at brooklyn heights and changes its content every time when appropriate, like you can compare in between the new and the old worship book.
watchtower looses its believers and least its international reputation by loose conduct itsself.
brother loesch: loesch the trial against william bowen or you will be loesched out of heavenly hope. I guess those 144,000 throwns are occupied since 1,900 years you old austrian bacon. you better go "Tauben vergiften im Park" ;-)))))
maybe it's just me but, it seem like "elders" respond extremely quickly to "sexual misconduct" as long as it does not involve their own family members.
true or false?
APOSTACY is the fastet fire under the butt of them
sex and others - sure too, but not in very short time